
Monday, May 9, 2011

Weight Loss Management Part 20: (Lose Belly Fat)

This big belly of yours is not only unsightly, but it is extremely dangerous to your health. There are several types of fats that contribute to your mound round belly, the most dangerous type is called visceral fat. Visceral fat is actually invisible to the naked eye when inserted into your abdominal organs. Visceral fat is actively produce hormones and chemicals unhealthy inflammatory greatly increases your risk of many cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Luckily, visceral fat responds to a weight loss program that focuses on dietary changes, increased activity and a regular exercise program. Here are some simple tips that can help you lose weight and visceral abdominal fat.

Increase your walking time per day. Just park your car farther away from your desk every day will be forced to increase the walking time. Other measures include using only simple stairs at work instead of the elevator. If you live close enough to work, keep walking or cycling to work on sunny days. A daily walk can burn several hundred calories a day and help reduce visceral fat.

Give up all soft drinks as a sugar-free. Soda is a major contributor to the epidemic of obesity in the West. Read the label soft drinks. Everyone can Dr. Pepper has 150 calories. Consume two cans per day adds up to 9000 calories or 2.5 pounds per month.

Acquire a taste for green tea diet. Besides the health benefits well documented there are chemicals in green tea, which, when combined with caffeine subtly stimulate your metabolism and weight loss. Drink green tea instead of water diet for 6 months may lead to weight loss 3 pounds easy.

Change your eating habits. Each of the officers for the South Beach Diet and the Mediterranean area has been shown to help you lose weight. The most important thing is to choose a program that is attractive to you, and you can take the long term. Other important dietary factors to develop the ability to control portion sizes and avoid emotional or impulsive snacking on junk food.

Limit your weekly intake of alcohol at the equivalent of a glass of wine per day. Alcohol-free wine especially red irrefutable cardiovascular benefits in men, but alcohol contains calories important, which can be converted into visceral fat.

Instead of parking in front of the TV or computer after dinner, go out and take a lively 30-minute walk in your neighborhood. alternative routes often. It's free. It's relaxing. It is refreshing. More importantly, you burn calories hundreds of calories per week.

Formally commit to an exercise program that combines aerobic exercise to burn calories muscle toning resistance training. Many gyms offer memberships affordable without a long-term financial obligations to combat the recession. By investing the money may be more motivated to get money's worth. You can get a range of modern equipment and proper instruction. In addition, there is no excuse for not wearing the winter months. When you lose inches off your life, you can also remove the internal organs stored around the organs in the abdomen.

Do not waste your time and your hard-earned money on electrical muscle stimulators that you sometimes see on infomercials. ad models wear these stimulators around their waists and magically able to develop your abs while watching TV. Medical studies have confirmed what you think - these electrical stimulators do not work!

Get enough sleep. This helps to reduce levels of cortisol in the body. High levels of cortisol, a houTube and check the resources below, showing in more detail.

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